Classic wedding vows: you will be right for sure and everyone will be happy

Each religion has a traditional way of expressing vows in the middle of a marriage ceremony. Tradition and culture establish patterns that are often strict and do not allow much room for improvisation or originality. If what you are looking for are original wedding vows , take a look at the article that we already did about this. For many couples, their wedding is more than a commitment to their partner, it's also a celebration of their faith. And reciting those classic wedding vows is one of the most important moments of the ceremony.

Although you may not have written the vows and promises, you can still feel the meaning and power behind the words so deeply and personally. Typically, these religious vows have been passed down from generation to generation, so the exact wording may differ a bit, but the sentiment remains the same.

Our intention is to show you a sample of the classic wedding vows of different religions that can be imitated if you are a follower. Or you can take them as a reference when writing yours.

Classic Celtic Wedding Vows

Celtic weddings are great because they have a lot of color and music. A well-known instrument, the bagpipe sounds throughout the ceremony, extolling the tradition that comes from many generations ago.

In the middle of the ceremony, while the couple is right in front of an altar, a ritual of hand tying begins, which consists of tying a knot in a ribbon around the embracing hands of the bride and groom. And it is precisely there when the phrase is heard: "You are blood of my blood, and bone of my bone...".

According to tradition, it must be made textual as a ritual part and it is not possible to change a single letter, much less add something else.

Classic Christian Wedding Vows

Christian wedding vows are also very special as Christian weddings traditionally feature the bride in a white gown and veil. The bride will enter the church and walk down the aisle and meet her groom along with the priest at the front of the church where the ceremony will take place.

Christianity is a bit more flexible, prior notice and in agreement with the speaking priest it is possible to say personalized vows. Although if you want to follow the ritual to the letter you will find the typical one: Do you take A : XXXX to be your husband / wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, abandoning all others and embracing him alone forever?

In Catholicism, the most current formula is:

The man says:

I, N. , receive you, N. , as my wife and I give myself to you, and I promise to be faithful to you in prosperity and in adversity, in sickness and in health, and thus to love and respect you every day of my life. my life.

The woman says:

I, N. , receive you, N. , as a husband and I give myself to you, and I promise to be faithful to you in prosperity and in adversity, in health and in sickness, and thus love and respect you every day of my life. my life.

other religions

As well as these there are many religions that impose traditions and that allow the wedding couple to wish to separate themselves from the traditional limits of a structured wedding routine.

They can also occur when the dating couple shares two different religious backgrounds or one or both parties are atheists. An officiant leads the marriage ceremony who can draw from the traditions preferred by the bride and groom.

For example, the bride could choose to wear a dress that is not white, there could be religious references from multiple faiths, and wedding guests could be asked to hold candles. The ceremony is shaped by the wishes of the wedding couple.

In the same way, if both are practitioners of some religion and they do not decide under which they are going to continue, the best thing is that they reach a consensus or have a mixed wedding and each one exposes their classic wedding vows . They choose rites from one and the other and it will be perfect.

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